Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Reading comprehension as explained through schema theory cannot be separated from literacy development in sociocultural theory. Engagement and skill have to be developed hand in hand in order to develop the literacy of our students.

Reading and writing do, eventually, have to become an individual cognitive process but as Vygotsky’s writing has shown, prior to developing the skill needed to use literacy tools effectively, our students need to have the social interactions and discussions with “knowing” adults or peers that influence their social and cultural lives.  These interactions help students to make meaning our of the activities they engage in that develop their thinking.

Yet, as a critical reading teacher, I know that schema is useful for understanding the reading process and that this process does not happen just in the mind of the individual.  Even Rosenblatt  brings attention to schema in her discussion of the transaction that occurs between the reader and the author:
“Human activities and relationships are seen as transactions in which the individual and the social, cultural, and natural elements interfuse” (1989).

My thinking, I think, is further supported by Wertsch (1991) who noted, “We must explore how social and cultural tools and activity mediate learning and development.”  The individual literacy knowledge learned through social and cultural experiences are internalized through the individual processing of this knowledge and learned from shared experiences.

The thoughts shared here continue to be a work in progress. Jump into the construction where ever you can help to build knowledge or help me to redraw the plans on this construction site.  :)

1 comment:

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